Meeting documents

SCC Scrutiny for Policies, Adults and Health Committee
Wednesday, 8th May, 2019 10.00 am

  • Meeting of Scrutiny for Policies, Adults and Health Committee, Wednesday 8th May 2019 10.00 am (Item 184.)

To receive the report.


The Committee considered a report outlining Somerset County Council’s Business Plan.   This plan was originally approved in 2018 and states what the County Council will aim to achieve with partners and communities to deliver the County Vision, namely: -


·       A thriving and productive County that is ambitious and confident

·       A County of resilient, well-connected and compassionate communities

working to reduce inequalities.

·       A County where all partners actively work together for the benefit of

residents, communities and businesses and the environment.

·       A County that provides the right information, advice and guidance and directs support to those who need it most.


The intention was to review the Business Plan to make sure it is on track, effective and responsive. To this end Plan has been revised and updated. The updated version has been endorsed by the various committees en-route to Cabinet.


The Plan for 2019/20 contains the same vision but has some additional priorities have been added to the section of the Business Plan entitled: Meeting the Councils challenges: sustainability, quality, quality and focus. The five priorities are now: -


·       Organisational Re-Design (new)

·       Our Culture and approach

·       A digital and technology-enabled council

·       Effective and resilient delivery

·       Reduce demand for high cost services (new)


The Committee welcomed the additions and commented that they were pleased to see that the report now included earned income and not just expenditure.


The Somerset Scrutiny for Policies, Adults and Health Committee considered and supported the additions to the Business Plan.

Supporting documents: